Home/Information and publications/Top news/In Turkey, with the assistance of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, a book has been published on relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey from the founding of the Bukhara Khanate to the present day

In Turkey, with the assistance of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, a book has been published on relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey from the founding of the Bukhara Khanate to the present day

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In Turkey, with the assistance of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, a book has been published on relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey from the founding of the Bukhara Khanate to the present day 14.01.2022 00:00

The development and strengthening of international cooperation, the establishment of historical links and the publication of scientific literature on this topic are among our priorities. In addition to all this, the broad promotion of research, protection, and dissemination of our heritage has also been identified as a priority for the Society.

Today, the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan carries out major research projects and publishes important research in this area. The Society is also expanding its cooperation by participating in a large number of international events.

Published with the assistance of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, the book tells about the relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey from the founding of the Bukhara Khanate to the present day in chronological order, as well as about the life and political activities of the Uzbek public figure Polat Usmon Khodzhayev, known in Turkey as Osman Kocaoğlu.

This scientific research sheds light on more than five hundred years of history of relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey, examples of good brotherhood and cooperation between the two peoples.

Its author is the scientific researchers Said-Abdulaziz Yusupov and Dr. Osman Kubilay Gül.

This book is based on archival documents and copyrighted works, which also clarifies issues that have not previously been included in the literature or have had little place in the literature.

The book has been published in Turkish and consists of three parts:

- the first part discusses relations with the Ottoman Empire during the reign of the Ottoman Sultans;

- the second part assesses the period up to today's Turkish-Uzbek relations;

- the third part provides information about the life of Osman Kocaoğlu and his political activities.

This book has been published in 5,000 copies and distributed in a number of higher educational institutions of Turkey.

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