Home/About Geographic society/Mission, goals and tasks

Mission, goals and objectives: ecology and nature conservation

The main goal of the Society
The goal - assistance to all organizations and institutions engaged in theoretical or practical work in the field of geography, local history and related sciences, as well as coordination of scientific, theoretical or practical work of the population in this area; wide dissemination of geographical and ecological knowledge, as well as advanced scientific ideas, scientific achievements, identification of the problems of nature protection in our country and active participation in their elimination.
To achieve the goals, the Society performs the following tasks:
to draw the attention of geographers and the public to solving the most pressing theoretical and practical problems in this area;
establishing and strengthening the link between science and industry in geographical research;
assistance in the coordination of research and practical work in the field of geography, geoecology;
wide dissemination of knowledge in the field of geography, support for the formation of geographic and ecological worldviews;
assistance to members of the Society in the implementation of inventions and rationalization proposals in the field of geography and natural sciences;
study and wide dissemination of the scientific heritage of scientists who have made a significant contribution to the study of the geography of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
to promote the development of geography in secondary, specialized secondary and higher educational institutions in the spirit of advanced scientific and pedagogical traditions;
dentification and study of scientific, theoretical, methodological and organizational issues in the field of geography, in particular, local history, tourism and complex and thematic mapping of the territory of Uzbekistan;
active participation in the protection of nature and its monuments, historical monuments;
promote the scientific regulation of geographical names and terms, participate in their updating and harmonization;
assist in the training of high-level personnel in the field of geography.
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