The Congress is the supreme governing body of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, which makes the most important organizational decisions and documents regulating the activities of the Society. Since 1980, when the I Congress of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan was held, 9 Congresses of the Society were held. Congresses in 1980-2000 took place with a five-year interval, in 2000-2009. - every 3 years, after 2009, in accordance with the amendments made to the Charter of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, the provision on holding the Congress once every 5 years began to operate again. If necessary, an extraordinary congress can be called.
The powers of the Congress include the following issues:
discuss the results of work for the period between congresses;
changes and additions to the charter;
determination of the main directions of the Society's activity and consideration of other important issues of the development of the Society;
making a decision on the reorganization of the Society and the termination of its activities;
determination of the composition and number of members of the Academic Council and the Audit Commission, election of members of the Academic Council and the Audit Commission, as well as the chairman of the Society and his deputies for a period of 5 years;
consideration and approval of reports on the activities of the Academic Council and the Audit Commission;
solution of other issues that do not contradict the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the goals and objectives of the Charter of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan.
Academic Council
The Academic Council has the following powers:
calling a regular and extraordinary Congress, defining its agenda and ensuring the implementation of the decisions of the Congress, the Charter of the Society, as well as coordinating and monitoring the activities of territorial divisions;
submits a report on its activities for approval by the Congress;
making decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of territorial divisions;
approval of regulations on territorial divisions;
approval of the action plan and staffing table of the Society;
approval, change and additions to the symbol of the Society;
determination of the quantitative composition of the Presidium and their election in this number;
exercise other powers to coordinate the activities of the Society.
The powers of the Presidium include:
ensuring the implementation of the decisions of the Congress and the Academic Council;
determination of tasks, directions and methods of work for the implementation of the main directions of the Society's activities in the future;
supervise all scientific, publishing and daily activities of the Society, the work of departments, approve the plan of departments;
approval of the staffing table and management bodies of the company's divisions, as well as their work and staffing table;
approval of the personnel of the divisions and the governing body of the Society, as well as their work and staffing table;
make proposals to ministries, organizations and interested non-governmental non-profit organizations on issues to be solved in the field of geography;
making a decision on admission and exclusion from the membership of the Society;
approval of the Regulations on the members of the Society;
improving the activities of the Society and making decisions on other issues that are not within the competence of the supreme body.
Control and Auditing Commission
The Control and Auditing Commission of the Society monitors the financial and economic activities of the Societ and the targeted use of funds is conrolled by the Control and Auditing Commission of 3 people, elected by the Congress for a period of 5 years.
The chairman and members of the control and audit commission cannot participate in other activities of the Society, be members of the Congress and the Academic Council.
The Control and Auditing Commission conducts unscheduled inspections at least once a year on the basis of the plan, as well as on the basis of decisions of the Congress or the Academic Council.
The Control and Auditing Commission carries out its activities on the basis of regulatory legal acts and the Charter of the Company.
Reports on the activities of the Control and Auditing Commission are considered and approved by the Congress.
The Chairman of the Society
The chairman of the society is elected by the Congress for a term of 5 years.
The Chairman of the Society has the following powers:
general management of the Society;
assists in organizing the fulfillment of the requirements of the Charter, decisions of the Congress, the Academic Council, the Presidium and monitors the implementation of these tasks;
gives mandatory instructions to the Deputy Chairmen of the Society on the fulfillment of the requirements of the Charter, decisions of the Congress, the Academic Council, the Presidium;
independently makes decisions and carries out activities on all other issues that are not within the exclusive competence of the supreme governing bodies;
participation in conferences, symposia, congresses and various other events on behalf of the Society;
holds meetings of the Academic Council and the Presidium of the Society or assign this task to one of the vice-chairmen;
issuance of powers of attorney on behalf of the Society;
exercises the right to first sign the documents of the Society;
development of projects for the improvement and management of society and presentation at the conference;