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The Geographic Society of Uzbekistan took part in the 5th Asian Conference on Geography "Geography in Dynamic Asia" in Vietnam

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The Geographic Society of Uzbekistan took part in the 5th Asian Conference on Geography "Geography in Dynamic Asia" in Vietnam 12.09.2022 00:00

On September 5-9, 2022, members of the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan participated in the 5th Asian Conference on Geography "Geography in Dynamic Asia" in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam.

The conference brought together researchers, scientists and students from Asia and around the world to explore current issues and recent events in geography. The conference objectives were to create an environment for the exchange of knowledge between research scientists in the field of geography in Asia and around the world, which were set forth to comprehend and to concern about the following issues:

- Sustainable Development;

- Interaction between Environments and Human activities;

- Globalization and Localization;

- Migration and Conflicts;

- Urbanization and the future of Asian cities;

- Natural resources and environmental issues;

- Disasters;

- Climate Changes;

- Ecosystem;

- Remote sensing & GIS;

- and other issues.

The conference participants made presentations on topical issues and exchanged views. At the same time, within the framework of this conference, a member the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor of the National University of Uzbekistan, PhDGulomjon Umirzakov together with colleagues from the Hydrometeorological Research Institute, the Institute of Geology and Geophysics and Fribourg University (Switzerland) made a presentation on the topic “Glacier mass balance monitoring in Pskem river basin of Western Tian Shan”.

The conference participants expressed their gratitude for organizing the event, which was held with the assistance of the Asian Geographical Association, Vietnam Association of Geographers and Thai Nguyen University.

Also, during the conference, in order to carry out joint scientific research and publishing activities, exchange experience and information in the field of geography, promote the development of scientific ties, the Geographic Society of Uzbekistan signed bilateral Memorandums of Cooperation with the National Association of Geographers of India, Vietnam Association of Geographers, Azerbaijan Geographical Society, Bangladesh Geographical Society, the Pakistan Geographical Association, and other organizations participating in the conference.


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